Monday, August 31, 2009


I finally finished Cityboy by Geraint Anderson. It was really painful and digusting reading it, mostly because you have the feeling that it is slightly exaggerated but then it might as well be true...

I have some investment banker friends and they would not be my friends if they behaved like those greedy idiots of this book. But I do feel really sorry for them having to work in such an environment. It is probably even more disgusting when you are a woman...

Anyway, I am happy that I am done with this book - although it was quite fun to rub it in the faces of all these suits I met in the tube every morning. Next time, I move to London I def move (North)East (Shoreditch, Angel, Camden, Islington... I am coming!).

My next book will be Business stripped bare by Richard Branson. I have already read the intro and the first chapter today and it is so much more fun although the topic is quite similar. And of course, it is a Random House book!

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